A target device could be a hard disk or a disk array system. 目标设备可以是硬盘或磁盘阵列系统。
This new feature allows extension of a striped LV, even if one of the PVs in the disk array becomes full. 这个新的特性允许stripedcolumn的扩展,即使磁盘阵列中的一个PV已满。
Column one is the disk array name, column two is one month's disk growth usage, column three is the next month's disk growth usage, and the following month's growth is contained in column four. 第1列是磁盘阵列名称,第2列是第一个月的磁盘使用量,第3列是下一个月的磁盘使用量,最后一个月的数据在第4列中。
The primary server has write access to a disk or disk array, while all SDS servers have read-only access. 主服务器拥有对一个磁盘或磁盘阵列的写访问权,而所有SDS服务器则仅拥有只读访问权。
The snippet processor reads table data from the disk array into memory. snippet处理器将表数据从硬盘阵列读取到内存中。
Therefore, there is no need to worry about how large the production database will be& it will fit very well on the disk array that will be needed for performance. 因此,不必担忧生产数据库将会有多大&为获得高性能而所需的磁盘阵列能够很好地容纳它。
The Windows Page File was placed on a separate single disk array. 邮件日志设置在单独的磁盘阵列上。WindowsPageFile放在单独的单磁盘阵列上。
The machine with multiple disks ( labeled Piero) works as a dedicated disk array. 包含多个磁盘的机器(Piero)作为专用的磁盘阵列。
Hardware Architecture Design of High-end Disk Array 一种高端存储磁盘阵列的硬件架构设计
Based on research and analysis of disaster recovery, network storages, backup and disk array technologies, this thesis designs and implements of a SAN-oriented remote mirroring system. 本文在研究和分析容灾技术、网络存储技术、备份技术、磁盘阵列技术的基础上,设计并实现了一种基于SAN的远程镜像系统。
Study on Ultra-High Speed SAR Raw Data Recorder Based on Disk Array 基于磁盘阵列的超高速SAR原始回波数据记录技术研究
Based on the Disk Array of Dual Server Fault-tolerance Technology Application in the Library 基于磁盘阵列的双机容错技术在图书馆的应用
Queue-based Dynamic Schedule Algorithm for Multi-user Request in Network-attached Disk Array 网络磁盘阵列中基于任务排队的多用户请求动态调度策略
Record/ replay system based on disk array technique 一种基于磁盘阵列技术的记录/重演系统
The display and control equipment composes of the operating console ( including industrial control computer and the disk array) and the TV wall. 显控设备由操控台(含工控计算机、磁盘阵列等)和电视墙组成。
A SAN is a separate high-speed network ( typically Fibre Channel) that connects multiple clients to a high-speed, high-capacity disk array. SAN是一个分开的高速网(通常是光纤通道),将多个客户机与高速、大容量磁盘阵列连接起来。
SAN-enabled clients use the disk array instead of their internal disk subsystems. SAN中的客户机使用该磁盘阵列而不是使用机内的磁盘子系统。
An Accurate Evaluation System for Disk Array Cache Algorithms 磁盘阵列Cache算法精确测评系统研究
The capacity of disk array shall be determined according to the information quantity of current system and as well as the future development requirement. 磁盘阵列的容量大小应根据目前系统的信息量并结合将来的发展要来决定。
Introduced volume backup technology based on SAN and disk array in SRM and studied the backup model and backup plan of volume backup. 介绍了SRM系统中基于SAN和磁盘阵列的卷复制技术,对备份模型和备份方案进行了论述。
In this article, designing of disk array's main frame intelligent controller is discussed in detail. 本文详细地介绍了磁盘阵列的主要部分智能控制器的设计。
Designed and realized the data structure of disk array, how to organize the share memory of disk array. 设计并实现了用于存储磁盘阵列信息的内部数据结构,如何组织应用存储磁盘阵列各项信息的共享内存。
This paper presents a novel optical disk array with parallel multi-controllers. 介绍了一种新型的并行多控制器光盘阵列系统。
In this thesis, a network-based software disk array system in a cluster environment is discussed. 本文研究了在计算机集群系统中基于网络的软件磁盘阵列系统。
A hierarchical and combinatorial disk array is implemented by partitioning disks into logical volumes and logical units in Hyper-RAID. 超级磁盘阵列(Hyper-RAID)在其内部划分逻辑卷和逻辑单元,实现了层次化的多级复合阵列结构。
On every point, disk array is the key and core of the storage system. 无论从哪方面分析,磁盘阵列都是存储系统的关键和核心。
Dual-ported disk array guarantees data security. 双端口的磁盘阵列保证关键性数据的安全性。
Design and implement unique management of disk array storage space in Safety Box modules. 3. 设计并实现了SafetyBox子系统对存储磁盘阵列空间独特的管理。
Then, I/ O responding time is analyzed of isomorphic synchronous disk array. 在此基础上,运用随机数学理论分析了同构同步磁盘阵列的I/O响应时间特性。
According to the principles and objectives of storage system, design the network topology, select the main equipment of system such as servers, switches and disk array, and determine the parameters and models of the equipment. 根据存储系统的设计原则和目标,对网络拓扑进行设计,并对系统中的主要设备如服务器、交换机和磁盘阵列等进行选择,确定设备的参数和型号。